We're Back!

While we had intended to return sooner than now, but as man plans his ways, so we have found that it has been a little longer to get our other responsibilities organized before now. In the meantime, here are three things to be aware of.

  1. Both Daniel and Drew graduated with PhDs in Systematic Theology in May of this year. Daniel gave an argument for the historicity (among Baptists) and catholicity (Trinitarian, Christological, and Pneumatological) of the pactum salutis, or covenant of redemption. Drew gave an argument that demonstrates the consistency of Edwards’ view of the human will with the Reformed tradition that preceded him, alongside Paul Helm and over against Richard Muller.

  2. Our sermons have continued to be uploaded on the website in the meantime. Daniel is preaching through Philippians and Matthew and Drew is preaching through Ephesians.

  3. We will not be picking up where we left off. Daniel had been expecting to work through some of the Reformed statements on natural theology. Instead, he will pick up on an entirely different topic that’s related to another project he is working on. He is currently doing some study in theological anthropology, and so he will begin next week by looking at various treatments of the topic from the past.

We intend to pick up with a new post Wednesdays at noon EST (9 a.m. on the West Coast). (It may not be every Wednesday).