Sermon begins at around 26:30 mark….
Philippians 3:15-16: Thinking on What We Have Attained
Sermon begins at around 34:30 mark…
Philippians 3:12-14: Pressing On
Sermon begins at around 27 minute mark….
Philippians 3:10-11: The Aim of the Righteous
Sermon begins at around 29 minute mark…
Philippians 3:8-9: The Righteousness of Faith
Sermon begins at around 35:30 mark….
Philippians 3:4-7: No Place for Confidence
Sermon begins at around 18 minute mark…
Philippians 2:28–30: Receive those who Follow Christ
Sermon begins at around 33:30 minute mark…
Philippians 2:25–27: The Mind of a True Minister: Epaphroditus
Sermon begins at around 28 minute mark…
Philippians 2:19–24: The Mind of a True Minister: Timothy
Sermon begins at around 29 minute mark…
Philippians 2:16b–18: The Joy of Humility
Sermon begins at around 31:30 minute mark…
Philippians 2:14–16a: Character of a Humble Mind
Sermon begins at around 29 minute mark…
Philippians 2:13: God Works in You
Sermon begins at around 29 minute mark…
Philippians 2:12: Working Out Your Salvation
Philippians 2:9–11: Exaltation of the Humble One
Sermon begins at around 28 min…
Philippians 2:8: The Obedience of the Humble One
Sermon begins at around 32:30…
Philippians 2:7: The Humility of Creaturely Obedience
Sermon begins at around 19 minute mark…
Philippians 2:5–6: Following the Mind of Christ
Sermon begins at around 23:30 mark…
Philippians 2:3–4: Unity through Humble-mindedness
Sermon begins at around 19 minute mark…
Philippians 2:1–2: One Mind in Christ
Sermon begins at ~26:30…
Philippians 1:27–30: Suffering for the Mind of Christ
Sermon begins at ~34 min. mark…