
Welcome to Baptist Dogmatics! We are Reformed Baptists contemplating the glory of God in conversation with the great tradition for the sake of the church. 

In this first entry, we want to provide an overview of our website. Each week we will release a thoughtful article which consists of theological reasoning, historical inquiry, systematic treatment of topics, book reviews, and the like. Our public materials will be posted here as well, including sermons, lectures, and publications. We also intend to compile a list of recommended resources as a helpful guide for beginning and advanced theologians. As the site grows, we anticipate adding other projects, such as a podcast. 

The content of this site operates within the boundaries of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith while recognizing that our confessional heritage unites us to the broader Reformed tradition. We strive to maintain this unity in our writing and speaking while affirming proper ecclesiastical diversity. 

As a new site, we welcome feedback, suggestions, comments, and questions. Please click, “About and Contact” to send us an email.